Monday 23 April 2012

LA Times Taliban photos and mobile technology in the battlefield, drones and ... - Washington Post (blog)

Following the photos in the LA Times of soldiers in Afghanistan with dead Taliban members, CNAS’ Andrew Exum writes about how the U.S. military will be forced to deal with mobile technology on the battlefield. (Bloomberg)

“In February, President Obama signed into law a reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that requires the agency — on a fairly rapid schedule — to write rules opening U.S. airspace to unmanned aerial vehicles. This puts the FAA at the center of a potentially dramatic set of policy changes that stand to usher in a long list of direct and indirect benefits. But the FAA is not a privacy agency. And although real privacy concerns have arisen about these aircraft, asking the agency to take on the role of privacy czar for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) would be a mistake,” write Ben Wittes and John Villasenor. (Washington Post)

“TARP and related interventions by the Federal Reserve helped reactivate credit markets long before they would have recovered on their own, helped to stabilize the housing market, helped save the U.S. auto industry and helped prevent recession from morphing into something worse. And they did so for far less than early estimates and prior rescues had suggested were possible,” writes Center on Budget and Policy Priorities scholar Jared Bernstein. (Washington Post)

AEI’s Jonah Goldberg on the art of the political distraction. (National Review)

Politico’s Arena asks: Can presidential dog taunts be brought to heel? Brookings’ Darrell West answers.

Room for Debate asks: Is prostitution safer when it’s legal? (New York Times)

Spring cleaning: Tom Ricks says to throw out the all-volunteer military. (Washington Post)

View the original article here

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