Tuesday 19 April 2011

Patch's Social Network Expands with New App

We try not to toot our own horn too much at Patch, but this one’s too good to keep to ourselves. We knew the technology elves at Patch HQ were busily working on something neat, but last Thursday their invention came to light: introducing the Patch app for the iPhone. You can now take Patch everywhere. The app is in Apple’s App Store and features a variety of ways for you to stay connected and keep up-to-date about what’s going on in the community.

For starters, the app will consist of all the things you get on the daily Upper Dublin Patch site, including community news, weather, local business listings and events in the area. You can read the latest articles on local events, the best place to grab lunch, features about people in town and stay hip with arts and entertainment information.

You can also share your voice by commenting on stories, uploading your photos and business listings. For example, having a great meal at a local restaurant? Upload a picture of the main course to that restaurant's directory listing. Did you snap a few photos at the community street fair? Upload them to our stories about the festivities.

You can also use the app to share your favorite stories and/or business listings on Facebook or via e-mail.

Also, you can save events to your iPhone calendar in just seconds!

The new app also allows you to switch easily to neighboring Patches that interest you. UpperMoreland Patch, Abington Patch, and others are just a fingertip away.

We don't have an Android app yet, but developers say that's coming soon.

Download the app today using this link, and if you have any feedback, please send it to mobile_thoughts@patch.com.

Got something to say? Get it on the front page.

We've been up and running for a little less than four months, and it's been exciting to see so many local residents visit the site, join our Facebook page, follow our Twitter feed, and use the site's own tools to post announcements and events. We've especially enjoyed the hundreds of comments we've received on various articles.

There's another way to get involved. All readers are invited to write letters to the editor about issues of concern in the community.

All submissions should include your full name, address and telephone number for verification purposes. Send them to Kyle@Patch.com with the subject line "letter to the editor" or "guest column." You may, if you wish, include relevant photographs with your message. Letters may be edited for grammar and spelling, but no other changes will be made.

The more this Patch site serves as a space for community dialogue, the more useful it will be. The next time something that happens in the Upper Dublin area bothers you, excites you, inspires you, or just makes you think, consider taking a moment to send us a letter.

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